
Monday Mixes

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Simple Mantle

In all honesty, our mantle stays pretty much the same year round - I like it the way it is so I stick with it.  For the holidays I decided to add a few greens and a little sparkle and managed to do it by gathering things I had around the house.

 This is the section I changed a little bit.  The rest is just as it was.

I added greens and bells.

Pinecone balls and candlelight.

All of the glass pieces on the mantle were picked up at Goodwill.  I loved the shape and the pressed image in the  far holder.  It's filled with bells tied with grosgrain ribbon.  Super simple and you can use any ribbon color you like.

This piece had such a unique shape.  Like a glass trophy cup.

This is the first one I picked up.  They really cast a nice glow when lit. 

I felt really smart when looking through one of the latest Pottery Barn catalogs.  On a table they had a whole assortment of glass like this holding candles.  Wow, I felt like I had vision since I had been amassing a collection of my own for this very purpose.  That's how much of a dork I am.  Things like that excite me.  Dessert cups turned candle holders.

Battery operated candles top the old corbels.

I finished stitching the stockings for Josh and Noah when they were born.  I admit it took me many years to hand them over to someone who made them into the actual stockings.  Good things can happen when you give up control and I was so relieved when I saw what a wonderful job she did!  I had the inside lined with natural denim and used navy and cream ticking - the wrongside - for the hanger and stocking backs.  Edged with a green cording.

My boys really love them and they sure can hold a lot!

So, that's the mantle.  Thanks so much for stopping by!  I'll post the tree's soon.  One more to decorate.


  1. Beautiful mantel. The stockings are fabulous!!

  2. I love to do the mantels with a mixture of greens. The candles make it.

  3. Oh those stockings!!! So beautiful and meaningful :) Lovely mantle...I love fresh greens, too. I bet they smell wonderful!

  4. Loving those candlesticks with chippy paint. So pretty!


  5. I love it! The mismatched glassware is such a nice touch.

  6. That looks lovely! I have a few finishing touches left at my house, too!

  7. adore those darling stockings!! looks beautiful!

  8. I love your mantel Lynda! The stockings are amazing!
    Health and happiness,

  9. Oh my goodness Lynda! I made the same stockings...Shepherd's Bush for our whole family, but they were too large to all fit on our mantle once we had our little I made our new smaller ones this year!! Oh I am so excited to see your gorgeous mantle and those stockings!!! It all looks so beautiful! ~ Tina xx

  10. love the goodwill treasures! :) and your stockings are really special knowing that so much love went into creating them.

  11. Great glass pieces! The stockings are so amazing. Your children will cherish those and I'm sure they will be hanging on their own mantles when they grow up and have homes of their own-hard to think about your babies on their own, isn't it?

  12. So pretty! My hubby's big flat screen over the fireplace is ruining my mantel plans! ugh

  13. Your mantel looks beautiful, Lynda, all decked out for Christmas! I love, love, love, those candlesticks, too!
    Enjoy the rest of your week!
    ~ Jo :)

  14. I love your mantel - it looks so beautiful and simple - my favourite way to decorate with things you already have. the stockings are gorgeous and what a lovely keepsake - can't wait to see your tree! :)

  15. Your mantle is so pretty! I'm impressed that you made those stockings - wow! I'm a new follower, can't wait to look around some more!

  16. The stockings are lovely Lynda! What a wonderful keepsake! :)

  17. Very pretty! Love the stockings!

  18. Your mantel looks beautiful Lynda and the stockings are precious....can't believe you made those!
    Happy holidays to you.
