A Pretty Pot & Real Life Mess
7:22 PM
Today - a pretty pot of plants to share.
I'm liking the different purples -
mixed with some peach.
Add a little white.
It kind of has a nice vintage look. Reminds me of a garden at Greenfield Village outside of their teahouse. I really like that garden. I'm glad I veered away from just purples and whites which are really my favorites.
This past week I have been sorting through all of this, and putting our rooms and hallways back together after painting. We just freshened the white in the foyer and upstairs hall. Our great room got a new shade of paint - it's really close to the old color, but is softer with more green in it.
Isn't it crazy all of the things you can fit inside your cabinets. I'm almost finished cleaning everything, making a sell pile, and putting things I truly love back in their places.
Happy weekend!