I've been working on the update of an old roller rink - not sure how may decades of decor. The paint colors and murals will scare you!
I don't think I would l want to have a birthday party here :)
This was a traditional roller rink - then they changed it into a roller hockey place - the floor has been painted to look like ice.
Staircase to the mezzanine.
The kitchen.
This will become a nice seating area.
How about that carpet?
So, this is where my head has been. I have to go through my phone pictures as well because the original kitchen area photo's from my camera are pretty blurry.
A lot of work is being done there right now. New paint colors alone are making such a difference.
So, what do you think?
It is an amazing project, and I'm happy to be a part of the team working on bringing this space back to modern times. I'm excited to see the final product. As each choice comes together we breathe a sigh of relief. It's really starting to look like something good!
I hope you will follow
Oh my goodness! This is a bigger project than I thought - it's going to be amazing once you add your touch to it!! I can't wait to see it all unfold! 😘