Monday Mix 123

1:31 PM


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It has been forever since I've been creative here.  I pretty much checked out this past Summer.  I'm ready to come back and share again. When you don't share for so long it's super easy to fill a board with absolute favorites.  Some of the things here would also be great for stocking stuffers or favorite things parties.

This cardigan is so comfy.  I got the taupe in medium.

The readers are super lightweight.  I love how they look and feel.  The bright TV lights really bother my eyes so I prefer to watch wearing glasses.

My favorite slippers.

I've been using this mascara for 10 plus years.  Never get tired of it.

For the absolutely whitest eyes these drops are incredible.

TOOTHPASTE of my dreams - but seriously it is so good.  Lemon Lavender!  I have friends hooked.  My niece loves it.  I can't recommend it enough.  It is fluoride free and as far as natural toothpastes go it keeps my teeth feeling so clean and the flavor is incredible!!!!!

Top corner - the luminizer.  People keep commenting on my skin - that it looks so good.  Even strangers when I'm out.  I appreciate it and I think just one of the things that makes a giant difference is this.  I put it across the tops of my cheekbones and down my nose.  It does give off the best glow.  Though I still think my skin needs help :)

The other RMS in the round container - I dab a tiny bit on my cheeks for color - then add Nars powder blush in orgasm - and then the luminizer.

The quad RMS pack - has the luminizer - a peachy luminzer I sometimes use instead.  And that red is perfect on your lips under gloss or also as a cheek blush.  I use it both ways.  This is great if you want to try everything out and is on major sale today.

The lip glosses are all my favorites.  I always have the city lips in clear too.  I use the clear before bed.

Finally - that bodysuit is so darn comfy and cute.  The puff sleeve makes it both of these things.  I don't love a tight arm so this really is the best!!!

Hope you enjoy.  Happy snowy Michigan Monday!!!

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