
Monday Mixes

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Day After

Hello again!  

Last week was filled with lots of activities, appointments, Christmas shopping, house cleaning, and the ordinary things that come up in a day!  Sorry I didn't make time for blogging.  Hopefully I'll make up for it this week and also catch up on all my reading!  I miss seeing what everyone has been up to! 

Guess what I've done for most of today - a little cleaning and a whole lot of movie watching and cookie eating.  Between Lifetime, The Family Channel, and Hallmark there are all kinds of holiday stories to watch!  I also got out my knitting.  It has been a really relaxing day which is just what I needed.  We are also in the middle of a snowstorm.  It is gorgeous out and Noah has already found out that his school will be closed tomorrow!  He is so excited.  Hopefully Josh will get the same news!

Our Christmas Party was a lot of fun!  It was so great to see all of our friends and family!  I went simple with the main dining table.  I wanted lots and lots of candles so I used 12 small canning jars that I had on hand and tossed in some tealights.  

I've been liking the word wonder lately so I tied some letters on the jars.  I'd like to think that Christmas should be full of wonder!

For a little more interest I added two tiny cypress trees that I wrapped in burlap and tied with a silk ribbon.  I had some tiny ornaments that I haven't used because once I got them home I thought they looked a little too much like ornaments someone would use on a baby tree.  I decided that if they were inside this blue canning jars the whiteness would no longer be a problem.  It worked out well and I was happy I could use them and like them!

Just another view.  I'll have to take a photo of the kitchen table centerpiece.  The other tables downstairs were nothing fancy!

Our Menu - it's always good so we run with this each year

shrimp cocktail
seafood chowder
chicken and beef shawarma
our favorite local greek salad and pizza

We pick up the above from around town and serve it buffet style.  For dessert I bake a bunch of cookies.

This year's picks were Billy Goat,


and Peanut Blossoms.

Saturday was also Guinness's 3rd Birthday!  She had a little fun as well.  She stayed the night at a house with 4 Greyhounds and also had her very first play date with another Whippet.  They were so cute together!

 The canning jar in the daylight.  You might be able to see the ornaments.  They are silver, white, pink, and green.

This week I'm just going to try really hard to get all ready for Christmas!   For tonight - I'm not finished watching movies!  I think there is another show starting now!  Hope everyone is doing well and thank you so much for reading my blog!  :)


  1. Love your "wonder" on the table. Very pretty.

    Glad you had a relaxing day.

    Blessings to you, my friend.

  2. I really think my Savannah and your Guiness are separated at birth, they really look just alike!!!

  3. Your yummy looking cookie photos are making wish I had some cookies of my own. Your decorations are so pretty. I love the table candles. Such a great idea.

  4. L love the "wonder" candles!! The food looks delicious. Oh Guiness...what a cutie!


  5. Beautiful photos and table decoration!
    Kisses and hugs.

  6. So glad everything went well Lynda, it really does look like it was a special evening!

    ps...I see the green envelopes now..:)
