
Easter Baskets - Teen Boy Style

1:32 PM

Easter - so different as they grow up, but it can still have some of that Easter bunny goodness!

I'm finding it a funny day when much of my Easter basket fillers were picked up at the gas station.  Teen boys do seem to love their gas station convenience store items.  Oddly enough I know that these will be their favorites.

They love this Arizona Watermelon drink, and the beef jerky sticks.  The hotter the challenge with the jerky the better.  Peach Snapple is also another favorite among my boys and their friends.

They are also each getting a couple of pairs of boxers.  This pair with the letters is my favorite.

This is J's basket.   My boys really don't eat a lot of candy so there are just a few pieces.

J also gets an iTunes card.

This is Noah's basket. 

He gets new baseball gloves instead of the iTunes card.  He listens to his music free on his phone.

We still use the same baskets the boys have had from the start.  It makes things so easy this way.  I just store them from year to year.

All wrapped up, and also if your new to this blog I always use the same Easter Bunny tag.  I made them when they were little, and printed out a whole bunch.  I just have to go where I keep them - take one out - punch a hole - and I'm ready each year.   I used this ribbon again too!

So, the baskets are simple, but filled with things teens will like and use.  

If I am not back here posting before - Happy Easter!

For more click here for all past Easter posts.  There will be many table settings and baskets.

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