Monday Mix // 63 - Focused on the College Guy

8:25 AM

I decided to switch things up this week and share items that my boys like.  One of the items is really random, but Josh thought I needed to include it.  Can you guess which item that is?

First up - the Champion sweatshirt.  Josh loves these and has multiple colors.  At around $20 each it's a great price.

Noah LOVES to grill.  I got him this Marinade recipe book a few years ago.  He has made so many marinades.  It's very well loved and the dill recipe and the curry are two of his favorites, but he says most of them he has tried are very tasty!

Another Noah favorite - this super soft pullover.  It is 25% off through Tuesday - true to size.  Lots of colors.

Noah's friends and Josh are usually wearing this boot.

Legend Spirit - also recommended by Josh.  He wears it daily - it's a favorite!

For a little funny for the ranch lover in your life - Hidden Valley has a made stocking full of dressing.  Who knew?

Josh also likes this Mane and Tail Shampoo - says his hair is stronger and softer.  It's interesting to ask others what they like - you really learn new things.

The next two types of shirts are favorites - sometimes worn more as a jacket - find the orange plaid here and the green check here.  Both come in a variety of colors and are loved during this Michigan cold!

Seems everyone loves their Yeti so for the coffee lover this mug is a must.  So many colors - you can coordinate with their school or just pick one in their favorite color.

Another must around here - the Carhartt Acrylic Watch Hat - lots of colors available and even the girls like top wear these.

Beef Jerkey never seems to get old.  A great on the go snack - and this brand tastes delicious and isn't hard as a rock.

Bombas Socks - I can't say enough good things about this brand of socks!  I had mine on at physical therapy the other day and my PT was like I love Bombas.  I wear them every day.  If you have not tried them you are in for a treat.  I like the ankle socks the best, but try your favorite type.  25 percent off your first order with the link.  Otherwise for a limited time use Holiday20 at checkout for 20% off even if you have already purchased.  You will never buy any other socks :)

And finally - The Office is a favorite show around here - so this book should be a fun choice.

Thanks for reading.  It was fun to put together a boy mix and to banter back and fourth with mostly Josh while I worked on it.  Noah is hard at work studying.   

*Please note that this post does contain affiliate links :)

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