Modere - Collagen I Believe In

7:55 PM


Today I'm going to talk more about Modere.  I've been introducing this product through my Instagram stories, but I'm sure writing out some information will be really helpful.

And tonight at 8PM is when the really good promotion begins!

I've used many different kinds of collagen supplements over the years.  All of the others I had tried were in powder form, and I would add them to my smoothies.  Modere is different in that it is in liquid form - it's a Type II Collagen - it naturally mirrors human articular cartilage - it's berry taste is delicious - and you literally measure out 1 tablespoon once or twice a day.  Easy - peasy - delicious!!!  This is the first thing you will consume every day.  That makes it easy to remember.  I take it twice a day and space it out approximately 12 hours after I have my first tablespoon.  Each bottle has a one month supply if you are taking it once a day.

Other than tasting delicious and being so easy to use you might be wondering "What makes this collagen so special"

Modere can explain it all better than I so click here for lots of good info!  

Cliff note version - improves joint mobility, promotes healthy cartilage, counteracts skin again from the inside out,  restores youthful skin, healthy hair - nails - gums - eyes.  That's just a quick list.

The second customer favorite is Trim.  I order chocolate, but if you don't like chocolate try out the lemon. Also really good.  Same thing - just one tablespoon - morning only.  

Trim improves muscle tone, inhibits fat storage, blocks fat transport from the bloodstream into fat cells, and so much more.  Click here to read all about Trim.

Tonight at 8PM - 

When you purchase the bundle Trim/Liquid Biocell Life you will receive the Body Firming Foam for free!  That's a $49.99 value.  If you are a new customer the Trim/Life combo will be discounted $10 plus you get $10 off for being a new customer.  Lastly - if you place an order in the amount of $200 or more they are throwing in the cult favorite gold spoon.  So lots of wins just there!!!

I'm going to list some of my other favorites you might wish to add to your cart.  The more products you add the more $$$ you can save.  5 plus items you can save 10% more.  8 plus - 15%.  Sometimes you can add extra items like toothpaste, dish soap, etc. at the lower dollar value and end up spending less or breaking even and getting them for free.  So that is worth playing around with, and if you need any help send me a message on Instagram.

And if you want to start with just one product - simply order the Biocell Life.  Start with the one bottle per month - take it once daily - and see what you think.  In my opinion this is the #1 item to order. 

Some of my favorites.  I've been trying the products so these are the ones I have used so far and love.  Click on each item below and it will take you to that product on the Modere website.


dish soap

hand wash

bar soap

lip complex

eye cream

trebiotic - for a healthy gut


For your first order simply add to cart.  For your next month set up a smart ship and save - I will cover the benefits of that later.  Also - you will receive your own code to share with friends.  If you share your code while just having a cart you receive a flat $10 payment.  If you share your code and have smart ship set up in the amount of $50 or more you will receive 25% back in shop credits based on your friends order.  You can earn $250.00 max each month and up to $599 a year.  That is an amazingly huge benefit.  So if you are excited tonight and want to share with your friends order through your cart to get the deal - then set up your smart ship of $50 or more with your ship date set up for next month.  You don't have to solidify this now cause you can add and subtract items up until your ship date - just have some things in a smart ship - and then share your code!!!

And please enter my code 8981464.  

Click here and it will take you right to the Collagen/Trim combo to add to your cart.  Promo automatically applies.  And if you don't like chocolate you can order this combo with a different flavor and still get the promo.

I'm super excited to share this product line, and I'd love your support and to offer any help you need regarding ordering and products.   Thank you in advance for reading, and hopefully you will give it a try.  I've been using it for well over a year.  It's the best in my opinion.  Also, if you want to see more about it I have saved my videos under Modere on my Instagram account 😊 I will be around tonight so truly message me with any questions.  I'd love to chat!!!

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