Monday Mix 100

4:14 PM

I can't believe I finally made it to 100!  All of the inspiration boards have been fun to make, and are a good dumping ground for all the things I really want to share.  Thank you for following along. 

 Todays board for being #100 is pretty simple. I'm wearing the sweater and tank in my stories today. Target's photography I don't think does the sweater justice.  It's the prettiest color and style. I'm really liking the brownish color too. It could find it's way into my cart. The tanks are $5 and fit so well. I stocked up on white and got a couple other colors. I wear a tank almost every day of my life so I'm happy about this really good find. I purchased both items in small.

I've been very bad with my calendar lately, and do better seeing my week laid out before me.  I just ordered this pad of paper to help me out.  After I fill my page out it will find it's way onto the fridge so I will have zero excuses for forgetting an appointment.

I purchased my heart necklace around Thanksgiving at Aurum Jewelers in Rochester, MI.  It is not on their website, but this is the closest I could find.  Mine was less and on sale.  I love how dainty the heart is.  It's like you just catch a glimpse and your eye can't help go to it.  I copied my friend Michelle.  Every time she wore it I was like - I need that!!!

Everything else on this board is related to Modere.  I signed up to rep the product almost 50 days ago, and just started last week.  I've been using the collagen and trim for over a year.  It is the easiest collagen I've ever used and it's berry taste is so delicious.  I started out using it just once a day, but recently use it twice. So you take the collagen and trim first thing in the morning.  Measure 1 tablespoon of each.  Then I repeat just the collagen around 12 hours later to sleep a steady supply going throughout my body.  

When I signed up initially I never really looked at the Modere website.  I didn't realize how many other products they carried.  Once I found that out I got really excited about everything!  I wish I had realized what a great company this was sooner, but ya gotta start somewhere.  Tomorrow night an amazing promo starts so if you are interested this would be the time to buy.  I'll write a full post tomorrow on it.   Until then I talked about it in stories today. 

So, I made it to 100 boards and started something new at the same time.  Kinda fun how that worked out 😊  

If you want to start looking at the Modere site tonight it's and my referral number is 8981464.  I'd love it if you use my code.  For the first order you want to order using the cart - then for the next order start smart ship and save.  I'll tell you more about that in my next post.  It's really good stuff!!!

Have a great night.  Thank you for reading.

*please note that this post does contain affiliate links

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