
Spotlight on Design: Nicola Manganello - Part 1

10:50 AM

I have been reading design blogs for some time now and there is one person in particular that I cannot believe isn't being talked about!  This someone is Nicola Manganello and from the moment I was introduced to her through the pages of Better Homes and Gardens magazine I was more than impressed.  Are there stories in your magazines that resonate with you so closely that you never forget them?  For me Nicola's home was that kind of story!  Nicola likes to mix old and new in her designs.  She is immensely talented and not only can design and decorate the house of your dreams - she is also a contractor.  If I had to pick a dream job that would be it! 

This is a picture of one of Nicola's homes.  The use of so many materials makes the exterior interesting and welcoming.  Even the roof material varies from the house to the garage.  Oh - I could move right in!  Since I am a keeper of "things" I actually have that first article where I "met" this very talented girl.  Here is a look at the Better Homes and Gardens story from February 2006 that takes us inside this treasure of a home!  Click on the photo's and you'll be able to read about all the details.

Do you see that lovely aged wooden bracket!!!  I also love the front door.

Brown walls long before many people were daring enough to make that choice.

Here it is.  Have I mentioned that I think it is perfect?

This old farmhouse table is so substantial and can you imagine all the meals it has sat at!  If only it could talk - the stories it could tell!

"Someday" if we remodel our kitchen I'd like some cabinets like the one's above.  I like the narrower glass fronted cabinets that sit atop the base cabinets.  Mine would be painted either a creamy white or creamy white on top with maybe a swedish gray or sage green on the lower cabinets.  Just maybe...

I don't know if you can see the lamp in the far room.  The base is wire and it has a fantastic striped shade.  Check out the vintage watering cans that sit on top of the armoire.  I like that you can see this very welcoming family space from the formal dining room.

Here is her daughter Maeve's room.  Isn't that an adorable name?  I like it so much I added it to my list of favorite girls names.

That is just a little introduction.  I'll be back soon to share more!

{All photographs are from Nicola Manganello and Better Homes and Gardens Magazine}

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